Wednesday, June 29, 2011

i'm not beauty queen

Some of my best friends (me in the Hollister shirt)
Kortnee in the Black hoodie beside me
Hannah in the grey hoodie behind me ♥

Kortnee drinking the frozen smoothie
Me acting like a dork

Oh the fours ;)
The top left?: sticking her tongue out
Hannah behind Lauren sticking her tongue out
Kortnee beside Hannah about to kiss Hannah
And me just smiling.
Same things over and over in the rest of the pictures but we're just cool like that <3

My best friend Nicolaa.
I love her.  

I was on a cruise; so much fun <3
Emily is in the front left beside her is me.
The blue sweater in the front is Christine, Emily's Sister
Alex is the front right <3

my friend Amira and I at graduation :,(
I'm gonna miss her

My best guy friend Dylan.
I <3 him. He was so weird but he is going to EMU
in Virgina, hopefully he'll come and see me

My 'older sister' on the cruise.
Anne, she was so out there but she was so so cool. 

My 'little brother' on the Cruise
Ryan, we only did that because me and him looked so much a like
and there was a night club on the cruise for teens only and he really wanted to get in
but was only 12
we snuck him saying he had to be with me the whole time.
My senior picture &hearts; I feel like I've grown up
so much since then.  
This is me in school with the help of picnik.
I was super bored but still that was towards the middle
of my senior year.
Now I'm off to Albright to make new friends and experience a whole new
world that I know I'm going to love &hearts;

And of course you can't forget my cruise crush
he will always be my crush
he is so amazing
and we are just awesome together <3 :)
I can't believe how much I've grown up between the summer i was going into senior year
and the summer before college.
Here I come ALBRIGHT :)