Tuesday, December 28, 2010

song time...just for him

everything i did i did for you
I changed who i was just for you
But it wasn't worth it
you didn't appreciate it

I can't wait to get out of this town
But for now that'll just have to wait
you let me down, but how could i hate
i offered you my forgiveness, you threw it away

it's time to move on
time to roll with the punches
time to get to whats real
I'm not your little pawn
i will feel better
this wound will heal

I can't wait to get out of this town
but for now that will just have to wait
you let me down but how could i hate
i offered you my forgiveness you threw it away....

I'm not gonna cry over you, you won't cry over me.  you're too prideful to even admit that you did something wrong but one day your gonna look back at me and realize you miss me but I'm not gonna come back...and that isn't gonna change.  you too perfect but Mr. perfect isn't so perfect now is he? Italian temper my ass, you just want to change me for someone I'm not.  so go find that girl and don't look back.

(another song will be on the way soon; I'm sure)