Thursday, December 23, 2010

play the cards i was dealt.

So right now I'm trying to right a book, unfortunately i have just ended up with another case of writers block.  I've had this too many times to count.  My ex was going to star in the book but that is no longer going to be the case.  I had to change his nae (Francesco) to Philip my friend.  I love Phil he is an awesome guy but i mean he's like an older brother to me and the more i think about it the more i always thought of Frank as a friend. huh funny how i come to conclusions when i write.  Anyway I'm modeling my book off something Lauren Conrad would write.  So far i want it to be called Always I know. My best friends are the main inspiration for it and each of them will get a free copy once it's published.  But i have no idea when that will be.  Hopefully we will stay friends forever <3

Also, my friend is getting the present i was supposed to give my ex.  yea awesome right?  ha ha; well it turns out she is quite a jealous girl and he doesn't know how to tell her. but i would really love to give him this sweater.  it's so nice.  i think it will look really good on him and if she has a problem with it well sucks for her.  I think she is a nice girl but seriously if she is that jealous why would you wanna be with a girl like that? idk people confuse me and it's his life not mine.  so i guess I'll just play the cards i was dealt.