Thursday, December 23, 2010

it all happens for a reason....

       So this morning i saw my lovely ex while i was exchanging gifts with everyone.  it ligitly made me cry.  I just wish he would let me explain everything.  I just wish he would let me explain why i did this. but he doesn't care.  It makes no sense to me an it makes me sad.  All i want to do is cry. but i can't i don't have anymore tears left. yea that is sad, that just sucks. 
    I'm going back to venting to my first ex ever.  He's being my confidant.  He never strays and wow i was a lucky girl when i had him.  I don't know why i can't get over Frankie but i will.  My news year resolution is to get over him and that will happen.  Perfect time of year too, it's almost news year!