Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It's like a dream but i want to wake up ASAP! i can't stand the pain i can't stand the way he looks at me everyday.  It's painful, but i'm good at faking.  He probably thinks i'm fine but in reality i'm not.  Everything about it is not fine.  He's returning my Christmas present today.  It's not that i'm mad about it, it's just that it hurts more than words can say.  I wish he would let me explain but he isn't even talking to me.  I should have never agreed to go out with him because he just led me on.  He treated me like a princess when he wanted too, but when he was mean to me i was scared.  i started to cry.
there are a couple of songs that remind me of him; Back to December ~ Taylor Swift. Last Kiss ~ Taylor Swift. The Way I Loved You ~ Selena Gomez. Untogether ~ Orathani.
My heart is broken and i need to fix it, but i guess that is part of my me time.  My best friend is helping a lot but i still cry a lot.  I just wish he knew how i felt. :,(