Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Cute Boy

So at my physically therapy office there is a really cute boy named Peter. O he is adorable. He is the one that works with me the most. He is so talkative but he is really mature. I guess it helps tht he is a senior in college. To bad it's illegal for me to date him b/c i'm only a senior in highschool. I really want to get to kno him better. I mean I flirt with him but i'm not like all over him. Peter just makes my day better nd gets my mind off Frankie. I believe tht to be a good thing. Although i'm waitng for the day frannkie txts me nd says I want you back. Well tht will nvr happen as mch as I want him back. I'm moving on to bigger nd better things in my life nd i'm having my me time. :)