Monday, March 28, 2011

so serious

this is just a little rant on my jealousy and how i so badly want a serious relationship...

You ever walk down the street and all of the sudden feel like you are surronded by couples?  I hate that feeling.  i got out of a reationship a little less than a year ago and yea i'm over him but seriously can i please get a new boyfriend? I want a serious relationship, but i'm not talking marriage just something to brighten my world.  Because seriously i'm feeling so empty lately.  I have some friends but ugh.  My ex and i are still friends but i just want someone to love me and act dumb with me.

I don't think that is too much to ask.  Maybe it is.  It's bad though when you start listening to Justin Biebers someone to love and you know you're not a Blieber...ick.  there is this guy. but idk he just uses me for food...jkjk he gets my ex's approval and that's a good thing.