Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Let's make it history

I used to be like the biggest history buff in the world!  It was my favorite subject, it was one big story.  Hence the name, HiSTORY.  But then my senior year i decided to take AP History.  Thinking i'd get more of the story.  I'm into geneolgy and all that.  So i could fill in the blanks.  It is the most boring class i have ever encountered.  I honestly regert taking it.  ugh.

Now onto more interesting things...
Right now in my graphics class we have to make up a business and then we have to make up t-shirts, hats, logos and such.  Well my partners mom already has a business called sugar and spice, it's a baking business.  she fired her last person who designed her stuff so now it's up to me and my partner.  well i found this really cool logo. it's amazing; it's a tie dye cupcake! it's so cool! so we are using that!
doesn't that look yummy?!
Well i took a desktop publishing class so i know how to do this stuff and i'm loving it. good thing i plan i to go into marketing when i graduate :)