Monday, March 28, 2011

I can't stop thinking

My high school career is almost up (yay)! but i can't help but wish i could go back and do it over again. I didn't make good descions during it.  I picked bad friends, i changed my mind too much, i spent too much time with one person.  And now it's all coming back to bite me in me the butt.  I guess though going on to college is a fresh a start.  The one thing that hurt the most though was losing my best friend, Dylan.  I can't get over the hurt.  I'm done chasing him, but i want to be his friend.  Maybe I should look back on the good things in High school.  Like the fact that i made some good friends, like i'm going to graduate and no matter what i'll always have home even though i do want to get away from it.
Should i cry because it's over or smile because it happened?