Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Let's make it history

I used to be like the biggest history buff in the world!  It was my favorite subject, it was one big story.  Hence the name, HiSTORY.  But then my senior year i decided to take AP History.  Thinking i'd get more of the story.  I'm into geneolgy and all that.  So i could fill in the blanks.  It is the most boring class i have ever encountered.  I honestly regert taking it.  ugh.

Now onto more interesting things...
Right now in my graphics class we have to make up a business and then we have to make up t-shirts, hats, logos and such.  Well my partners mom already has a business called sugar and spice, it's a baking business.  she fired her last person who designed her stuff so now it's up to me and my partner.  well i found this really cool logo. it's amazing; it's a tie dye cupcake! it's so cool! so we are using that!
doesn't that look yummy?!
Well i took a desktop publishing class so i know how to do this stuff and i'm loving it. good thing i plan i to go into marketing when i graduate :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

music, romance, this all ties in somehow

So yesterday i went on a rant about how i oh so badly wanted a boyfriend.  Which still holds true today.  trust me i don't change my mind that quickly.  And i discoverd some new music.  Now i love all types of music.  from heavy metal to little kid.  The 2 songs i discovered were Tonight Tonight by Hot Chelle Rae and Who Says By Selena Gomez. 
(you are gonna find i love to use Pictures)

I love the message in Selena's Who Says.and in Tonight Tonight, it's just a fun dance song....lalalala whatever ahhahahah that line cracks me up.

But i'm really into Taylor Swift and we all know she is famous and into writing love songs be it breakup songs or songs about falling in love.  I love writing songs to, i'm just not as good as her.  In fact i'm listening to one of her songs right now, Last Kiss
"I'm not much for dancing but for you i did" ~Taylor Swift

Every song always has something to do with love whether we know it or now....

o the lovely

PROM TIME! it's that time again.  It's my senior year and i didn't go to my prom last year, what a bummer.  But i really want this dress (below)
So if i was lucky i'd get a look alike
But that dress is $500, and i'm poor.  so that is a big no.  On a better note i found an amazing sight called
They have everything!
But the best thing is the retail price is so expensive but the renting price is cheap.  So say the retail price of a dress is $350 the renting is $50! that is freakin' awesome! :) So here is the dress i really want!
The dress Retail is $595 and the rent is $100. yay!
I now offically am in love with this sight!
Shoes and Jewelry i have! woot woot
Now just the date desecion.  It's between 2 guys...and i'm scared neither of them will want to go with me...ugh lovely.  o well i have to work up the guys somehow. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Rebecca Black

 A rant about Rebecca Black

I'm sure you have all heard of this hard decision to make...which seat should i take, front seat or back seat? Well the song, Friday, is extremely annoying.  Just saying.  Seriously just because her parents are rich does not mean she needs to put her 'talents' to use.  SHE CAN'T SING!!!!!! I don't think she can even make a descion. ugh.  She just sucks.
i'm bored.

so serious

this is just a little rant on my jealousy and how i so badly want a serious relationship...

You ever walk down the street and all of the sudden feel like you are surronded by couples?  I hate that feeling.  i got out of a reationship a little less than a year ago and yea i'm over him but seriously can i please get a new boyfriend? I want a serious relationship, but i'm not talking marriage just something to brighten my world.  Because seriously i'm feeling so empty lately.  I have some friends but ugh.  My ex and i are still friends but i just want someone to love me and act dumb with me.

I don't think that is too much to ask.  Maybe it is.  It's bad though when you start listening to Justin Biebers someone to love and you know you're not a Blieber...ick.  there is this guy. but idk he just uses me for food...jkjk he gets my ex's approval and that's a good thing.

I can't stop thinking

My high school career is almost up (yay)! but i can't help but wish i could go back and do it over again. I didn't make good descions during it.  I picked bad friends, i changed my mind too much, i spent too much time with one person.  And now it's all coming back to bite me in me the butt.  I guess though going on to college is a fresh a start.  The one thing that hurt the most though was losing my best friend, Dylan.  I can't get over the hurt.  I'm done chasing him, but i want to be his friend.  Maybe I should look back on the good things in High school.  Like the fact that i made some good friends, like i'm going to graduate and no matter what i'll always have home even though i do want to get away from it.
Should i cry because it's over or smile because it happened?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

design line

it's been a while since i posted...sorry about that :(
I've been incredibly busy.
anyway I'm starting this design line called Made 4 You.
I'm donating about half my proceeds to this charity called 4 diamonds.  It helps pay for medical bills for kids with cancer and it supports cancer research.  It's located in central PA. 
Anyway I'm making shirts, hats, and pants for it.  mainly sweat pants since i expect kids with cancer will be buying it.  i love what I'm doing it and since i plan on majoring in marketing in college it makes sense, well fashion marketing. ha ha i love it.
here are some previews of the shirts... well the quotes at least

I hope you guys like it :)
Comments please