Monday, January 10, 2011

it's over

So it's been a while since me and him have been over.  You know how my blogs name is Aways and Forever? Well i wish my romance life was like that.  I can't help but think i repel guys.  It's not like I'm desperate but then i guess i am.  It's hard to be a girl and not want to be in a relationship.  I've said before all my friends are, that's not completely true.  My one friend, now my best best friend, isn't in a relationship.  But she has a guy who is really close to her.  They are always playing back and fourth and seriously I'm so jealous of all of them.  I wonder if she would be willing to hook me up, but i don't want to ask her.  She's been there for me through. everything and i owe her so much.  My heart hurts.