Wednesday, January 19, 2011

an expert of the book i'm writing...

     She left me standing right here, waiting.  I had been waiting for an hour when i saw a coin on the ground.  It's just a coin i thought.  But I hadn't seen it a minute ago.  It looked like a new dime.  It was shiny, and didn't look like there had even been any fingerprints on it.  I picked it up, examining it.  I looked up and some people were looking at me like i was a dork.  Figures.  What person would be examining a coin?  In my perspective, a person who was bored out of their mind waiting for their girlfriend.  "Alex?"  It was her, it was Jamie.  "What are you doing?  Sorry I'm super late, there was a car accident and i had to take a detour."  It was a bus station, why was she even driving to the bus station?  Blah, she didn't get it.  I said meet me at the bus station hoping she would walk.  I thought maybe we could go to the Art Museum.  It's in down town Philly and hard to get to with a car.
      "Why did you bring your car?"
      "Well wherever you are taking me i so did not want to take the bus.  You should know I'm not that way.  Poor people sit on that.  They are dirty."  Once again she was acting like little miss princess.  At first I liked this about her, but now it was just annoying.  I wanted to have fun with her.  But apparently that wasn't going to happen today.

      "I was going to take you to downtown Philly.  I finally have enough money for that.  But it's horrible getting there with a car.  I know art is your passion, but it's whatever I guess."  Jamie knew what she was doing.  She knew I'd give her everything she wanted when i was able too.  I would soon have enough money saved to move into the house of my dreams, but I probably wouldn't even do that. I would probably spend all my money on her.