Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Facebook, papers, and college visits.

My week is super busy.  First, in English, we got assigned this fun project where we get to create a facebook page for a Renisance character. I got A. Durer, this guy is actually interesting.  He was an artist and a mathamatician.  Interesting right?  + on top of the Facebook page we have to write an argument essay.  i'm writing mine on beauty pageants and how they exploit girls.  What do you think; do they exploit girls? 
Today i'm going to see HACC.  A community college in PA.  I think it will be fun, except i forgot my glasses and well here comes the lecture.  Wish me luch

Do you think Beauty Pageants exploit little girls?


Monday, February 7, 2011

Round and Round

So yes the rumors are ex and i are friends once again.  But hopefully this time it's for good :)  He is making my head go round and round.  But that's okay he is worth it.  I'm happy very happy

Friday, February 4, 2011

quotes and pictures i love

Can't help but smile

My future is finally looking lie!  I'm learning how to document everything and I'm finally getting my college stuff together! Definitely going to HACC and going to get a certificate which is fine with me. :) 
Anyway I've been entering this contest to write songs with Maroon 5 that is sponsored by Coca~Cola.  I seriously hope i win but it's okay if i don't.

Everything is going great with my friends and i!  we are tighter than ever.  Unfortunately i still feel like crap physically, but that is only temporary.  My life is gooooood!
All i need is a boyfriend; someone i could talk to and hold hands with and hug and kiss and be happy with!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

it's cold

I live in PA and we just had a snow storm; but it wasn't huge thank God!  But we did have 2 days off of school; which just amazes me because my school is not one to to do that.  At most I thought we would have two 2-hour delays. 

Anyway My dad is really sick and so is my best friend which pretty much means I'm going to get sick...lovely.  It's already starting but I'm suffering through it.  i have cough drops and tissues and it's really just not fun.  My thoart kills and it hurts to even breathe...doctors time?  I think so.